When you go to the doctor or hospital, you are putting a significant amount of trust in medical professionals. You expect them to be able to correctly diagnose you and administer the treatment you need. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Doctors can make mistakes just as easily as someone else. The difference is, when a doctor makes an error, either due to negligence or recklessness, it can have devastating consequences.
One of the ways that you guard against medical malpractice is to be aware of where you are most at risk. Questioning your doctor about procedures and treatment and even seeking out a second opinion can go a long way to help you avoid becoming a victim. Here are some of the most common types of medical malpractice.
Failure to diagnose
Failure to diagnose is one of the most common types of medical malpractice. If your doctor fails to follow professional guidelines when it comes to performing diagnostic tests and screenings, you could be at risk of this kind of medical malpractice. While failure to diagnose a common cold is one thing, if you go in complaining of pain in your back and your doctor simply prescribes you some pain medication and sends you on your way instead of performing a proper exam that could have provided an early diagnosis of cancer, you may be able to pursue a medical malpractice case.
Failure to treat condition
When you see your regular doctor or seek treatment from the hospital in Rome, you expect to receive the treatment you need. Unfortunately, there are some doctors and health care professionals who do not provide reasonable treatment that patients need. This can also lead to a medical malpractice suit.
Patient injury
When doctors make mistakes, it can result in a disability and even death. For instance, if a medical professional misuses birthing tools such as forceps during the delivery process, the mother and the baby could suffer serious injuries that might be fatal. Injuring a patient during treatment is also a common type of medical malpractice.
Substandard documentation
When you receive medical treatment, it is your doctor’s responsibility to accurately document the care provided. This includes listing any known allergies, especially those that relate to medicines that a patient cannot take. Failure to properly document medical conditions and treatments can easily lead to a medical malpractice case.
Medication errors
In the United States, approximately one person dies per day because a medical professional made a mistake in prescribing or administering medication. In many cases, dosage problems are the leading culprit. This is such a prevalent problem that the World Health Organization has begun to take action to help prevent medication errors on a worldwide scale.
If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, keep in mind that you have options. You might be able to take legal action against the doctor or hospital that was responsible for the negligent or reckless treatment you received.